Saturday, February 13, 2010

KEDI - My View ..

Today went for NAG's KEDI ...

First things first .. Movie is simply sick .... NAG has done his job, same with other artists and technicians except KIRAN....debut director...

KEDI is defntly a new genre movie in Telugu .. Credit goes to Nagarjuna for encouraging these type of variety stories..Kiran got golden chance directing a big hero wasted it.

Mamatha has nothing to do except fo few scenes. Harshavardhan as  Hero's frnd done good job. Brahmi elevated his scenes. Those r the only ones saving grace in the movie. Kelly Dorjee and Linda are wasted in small roles. Ankur as a villian did neat job. But Wonder why Kiran roped all the talented artists for small roles like Guy who played as Shailesh Yadav ( Maoist), Linda, Kelly DOrjee, Tanikella Barani..

Music by Sandeep is good  but not as expected in "SUPER" .editing , Photography r good...

Finally,, KEDI is not the one to watch in Cinemas. If u have money and time or a hardcore fan of NAG u can ..Else wait for DVD or to telecast in some channels...

My Rating :- 2/5